Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Factors Influence ICT adoption by SMEs in Tanzania

"In Tanzania there is limited literature explaining factors influencing the adoptions and its challenges. Using online search on Emerald (accessed on 31st July 2011), reveal that out of 17 search results none of them was addressing adoption of ICT in SMEs in Tanzania (The online search was done using phrases “adoption of ICT in SME Tanzania) Probably this shows limited study on adoption of ICT in SMEs in Tanzania.
 Matambalya, 2001, argue that Tanzania firms particularly SMEs are not utilizing available opportunity of ICT in conducting their business. A study of 144 Small Scale enterprises which had consistently plausible data, 28 did not possess information and communication technologies at all. 13 of them however used external phone services. The remaining had invested at various levels in at least one of the ICTs. A number of 39 enterprises only use phones with fixed lines and an additional number of 26 enterprises have mobile phones on top. 5 enterprises have fax machines in addition but no PC based communication technologies. Less than a third (45 enterprises) uses the most advanced ICTs email and Internet.  It was also note that about 56.5% only invested not more than US $ 200 in ICT facilities like phone and computer. Another study by Molony, 2005 argue that, many entrepreneurs in Tanzania rely much on mobile phones for their day to day business. This means other services offered by ICT such as software application like internet browsing, file sharing over internet, email, video conference, and advance software which uses database like enterprise resource planning, customer relation management and Inventory management which could add value to the SMEs in Tanzania are not yet utilized"
I am current undertaking this study in Tanzania, expecting to find more on factors which influence ICT adoption by SMEs in Tanzania, if you have comments or opinion kindly post here under. Thanks

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